Education & Occupation

Education & Occupation, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

From ancient time, learning different sciences was crucial for Iranian, although, in the time, not all enjoyed the benefit of literacy and learning sciences. The education in Iran was specified to the monarchs, courtiers and the wealthiest of families. The early educational centers of the time, after Islam, were known as Maktab and Akaber, and the teachers were called Mullah.

When the country was in peace, like when Shah Abbas of Safavid Era ruled, the schools became more prosperous and separate educational centers for different majors like Jurisprudence and Theology was established. Until in Qajar Era, Amir Kabir became the prime minister of Naser Al Din Shah, and following the western tradition, established Dar Ol Fonoun school that was followed by other similar construct like Sepah Salar School.

With the raise of modernity, the beginning of Constitutional Revolution, and people’s increasing participation in social and political movements, schools became a necessary part of the younger generation’s life. The girls that were so far deprived of the right of education got a chance to experience learning just like boys. In Pahlavi Era, and following the mandatory law of education, more schools were made, and slowly, all the cities and villages had the suitable education centers. After the Islamic Revolution, and with establishment of Education ministry, the emphasis on learning and providing means of it continued.

In Qajar Era, Amir Kabir became the prime minister of Naser Al Din Shah, and following the western tradition, established Dar ul Funun school that is considered as the first modern school of Iran. It was soon followed by other similar construct like Sepah Salar School.

The schools of Iran have two separate period of Elementary and High School, each 6 years long. After receiving High School Diploma, the students take part in University Entrance Exam to further their studies in the field they like. Although most of students aim to have a minimum of Bachelor Degree, but many prefer to enter the Labor Market and learn through experience, rather than having theoretical knowledge.

In the past, the occupations were hereditary, the son or sons of the family followed the father’s footstep taking the control of family business. The tradition no longer stands, today, kids choose the major they like and find a job that best suits their interests. As time passes, some fields of work are forgotten, and some new jobs appear. Today, people prefer to be employed by different governmental, Semi-governmental and private organization that pays better that other jobs. There are also entrepreneurs in industrial section, making factories and workshops that employ great number of people. Like the rest of the world, Iran faces unemployment challenges that the government is trying to overcome by creating job opportunities and training capable employees.