Why choose Amu Nowruz?

We always revisit our company’s performances and core values by putting ourselves in our customers’ shoes, asking why they should select and purchase our services. For this, ten fundamental principles have been put forward to maintain and retain our customers’ satisfaction. In each action-oriented and decision-making stage, Amu Nowruz incorporates these ten principles:

1) Guaranteed Quality Service

Amu Nowruz assures all customers to provide all services in an ideal quality. If unsatisfied with our services, Amu Nowruz will upgrade your current service with no additional fees.

2) Competitive Prices

Ensuring our guaranteed unbeatable quality services, Amu Nowruz offers highly competitive prices. We invite you to compare our prices with parallel tourism companies in Iran!

3) Distinctive Services

Amu Nowruz offers various distinctive services such as special tours in Iran for people with disabilities, feasibility studies and business development plans as well as travel content generation. We offer our extensive services to satisfy the expectation of various customers.

4) Effective Use of Technology

Employing the latest technologies has enabled us to facilitate service provision, effective communication with our customers, and improvement of our organizational processes. Therefore, Amu Nowruz as a learning organization, complying with the motto of the World Tourism Organization in 2018 (tourism and digital evolution), imparts the benefits of digital age developments into its policies and actions.

5) Commitment to Social Responsibility

We believe that delivering high-quality service is impossible without our promises of social responsibility. Therefore, we always stress on job creation, education, and empowerment of local communities as well as the provision of equal tourism opportunities and preservation of natural resources.

6) Constant Research and Development

Nowadays, one of the best tools to boost market share and customer satisfaction is to emphasize continuous research and development. This is because the tastes of tourists with different profiles and touristic needs vary due to cultural and demographic factors such as age, economic class, and education. Regarding the importance of tastes and needs among tourists, we offer personalized services to our customers.

7) Trained and Experienced Human Resources

Amu Nowruz is a learning organization. As one of our main policies, we focus on improving our individual and organizational knowledge and skills through continuous and various training sessions. We value our customers’ delight and satisfaction, and so we strive to exceed our customers’ expectations and needs.

8) 24/7 Support

Due to the time differences between countries and the need for a timely response, our support team responds to customers’ requests and comments 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

9) Positive Energy

The satisfaction of our employees and customers plays a fundamental role in our organizational performance. On the one hand, this notion is only feasible through our meticulous attention to our promised superior service quality and on the other hand providing ideal working conditions and organizational climate for our employees. In this regard, the emphasis on transferring positive energy between the employee and customer was always of central communicational principles in Amu Nowruz Company. For example, through valuing cultural diversities, empathy, and a welcoming attitude.

10) Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics Suggested by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

In addition to the abovementioned principles, Amu Nowruz grants unyielding commitment to the Ethical codes suggested by the UNWTO. These principles entail the economic, social, cultural and environmental components of travel that can lead to optimal behaviors between and within the host and guest communities.

These principles are:

  • Principle 1: Tourism’s contribution to mutual understanding and respect between peoples and societies
  • Principle 2: Tourism as a vehicle for individual and collective fulfillment
  • Principle 3: Tourism, a factor of sustainable development
  • Principle 4: Tourism, a user of the cultural heritage of mankind and contributor to its enhancement
  • Principle 5: Tourism, a beneficial activity for host countries and communities
  • Principle 6: Obligations of stakeholders in tourism development
  • Principle 7: Right to tourism
  • Principle 8: Liberty of tourist movements
  • Principle 9: Rights of the workers and entrepreneurs in the tourism industry
  • Principle 10: Implementation of the principles of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism